'Roll Over, Warangal | Ice cream Rolls, Fried Momos | Food Monks | Chai Bisket | 4K momos, fried momos, ice cream rolls, sandwiches, burgers, fries, food monks videos, food monks hyderabad, food monks warangal, chai bisket Want to talk to Chaitu and Vishnu?? For BRAND Collaborations/BRAND Promotions/RESTAURANT Reviews, Please Message/WhatsApp on 09322907376. (Food Monks Number). Hey Food lovers!... The FOOD MONKS..Chaitu and Vishnu here!! This video series is dedicated to all Warangalites, who showed is their immense love and support. In this series, Food Monks will show you most popular and underrated food joints. follow this series for some mouthwatering content. RollOver Warangal https://maps.app.goo.gl/D7Nhmv3DDtoweEcw9 Hope you all liked this video! We all need your support in more suggestions. Please subscribe to our channel and do not forget to click on \'Bell\' Icon for regular updates. If you like this video \'Click on Like\' button. Please suggest us what to be reviewed in the comment section and we will surely accommodate everyone\'s requests. Our Social Media: ►Food MonksYoutube @ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxFXa5vorMCdne9wu-XCG_w ► Instagram @ https://www.instagram.com/foodmonnks/?hl=en Chai Bisket: Brewing All the Telugu Infotainment You Need! Follow us on Facebook : http://bit.ly/fbpagecb Twitter : http://bit.ly/TweetCB Instagram : http://bit.ly/cbinstacb You tube : http://bit.ly/1TTIAmp Website : http://chaibisket.com/ Please subscribe to Food Monks : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxFXa5vorMCdne9wu-XCG_w #momos #warangal #4k'
Tags: 4K , sandwich , burgers , Chai bisket , fried momos , momos , Ice Cream Rolls , food monks hyderabad , food monks videos , Sundaes , food monks warangal , warangal food , creamstone , warangal news
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